BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Jordan - Water aspects in land-use planning

Country / Region: Jordan / Western Asia
Focal point: Groundwater

Begin of project: May 13, 2009

End of project: December 31, 2016

Status of project: August 16, 2016

Drilling for water in the Jordanian desertDrilling for water in the Jordanian desert Source: BGR

In view of the water scarcity in Jordan, the protection of available water resources against contamination and over-abstraction has become highly important considering as well the high influx of Syrian refugee since 2011.

The competent institutions of the Jordanian water sector dispose of limited technical capacities and experience to fully assume their responsibilities in (ground‑) water protection and put an integrated water resources management into practice.

The project aims at improving the protection and management of water resources in Jordan through the identification, development and implementation of appropriate measures. Key elements of the project approach are the delineation of groundwater protection zones and the inclusion of water protection aspects in regional planning processes and licensing procedures. Groundwater monitoring and groundwater modelling are also fields of activities to enhance the water management capacities of the project partner.

BGR supports the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), its subordinate authorities and other institutions in building up the respective capacities in groundwater management and –protection, fosters the required inter-institutional communication and cooperation and assists in the elaboration of a consistent legal framework. The extension and intensification of water resources protection is a key factor in the prevention of further water shortages, increased health risks and unbearable rehabilitation costs in the case of contaminations. The project thereby contributes to safeguarding water supply in the long run - and at an affordable cost - for the different user groups and especially the poor.

The project maintains close ties with the GIZ water programme in Jordan and both organisations BGR and GIZ set up together a cooperation with the Water Wise Women Initiative (WWW-I) and the Environmental Rangers in the field of behavioural change.

The project is implemented for a designated total period of 7 years (2009-2016). The overall German contribution to the project is estimated at 2.7 Mio. EUR

Technical Cooperation with Jordan

Project-No.: 2008.2204.9

Project-ID: 1053

Project contributions:


Jordan Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI)


Dr. Mathias Toll
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3279
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3689

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