Central Seismological Observatory of BGR
Global distribution of earthquake epicentres (blue dots) and volcanoes (red dots)
Source: BGR
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The observation of seismic waves and their propagation through the Earth gives seismologists important insight into the mechanisms responsible for earthquakes. This knowledge can be used to assess the seismic risk in earthquake regions. The seismic waves also provide information on the structure of the Earth's interior, as they pass through the deeper strata and undergo characteristic changes there.
The Central Seismological Observatory of BGR is the Federal Government's central establishment for earthquake research in Germany, and it also makes a sigificant contribution to the Global Digital Seismic Network (GDSN).
The Central Seismological Observatory of BGR has three major tasks: it is an observatory, it is the data centre for continuous broadband data in Germany and it is engaged in scientific research. For these goals it operates its own broadband seismological stations (GRF array) and, in cooperation with German universities and other research establishments, a national network of broadband stations, the German Regional Seismological Network (GRSN). It evaluates the collected digital data sets and makes the results available through scientific exchange.
The Central Seismological Observatory of BGR also operates a data centre for the observation and scientific processing of seismological events. Digital waveforms from all permanent broadband stations in Germany are continuously analysed, archived and made available to the scientific community. The Central Seismological Observatory of BGR also carries out its own scientific research projects.