Mineral residuals
In terms of a resource efficient and sustainable usage of resources, secondary and/or anthropogenic ore deposits as well as waste disposals and former production centers (urban mining) become more important for the future recovery and reutilization of residual resources. This includes all types of mining residual materials, beneficiation and ore processing. Mine heaps, tailings and residuals of slags may contain considerable concentrations of precious and trace metals which are of significant need for high technology applications.
Residues from Sb / Hg deposit Volangi-Daroz, near Panjakent (Tadjikistan)
Source: BGR
In the framework of ore deposit research BGR focuses on deposits close to mining operations. This includes mining residual material, beneficiation and ore processing. The aim is to demonstrate the resource potential in order to develop a resource basis and to secure a long term resource supply for the German industry. A further aim is the development and demonstration of technical and scientific methods to reduce environmental hazards and potential clean-up costs of mining operations.
The project aims at the identification and characterization of resource potentials in mining residual materials as well as further development of methods for the investigation and assessment of residual mining resources. BGR’s research activity is supported by third-party funded projects.