BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Workshop: Offshore Studies of the Andaman-Sumatran Earthquakes

May 22nd to 23rd, 2006

Hanover, Germany


Here are the newest informations on the upcoming workshop. I am happy to inform you that some forty researches will attend the workshop, coming from Indonesia, India, France, UK, US and of course Germany. Thus we are confident to have an effective workshop. Only very few of you intended to attend the field trip. Therefore, the field trip has been cancelled. Attached are the prelimary programme and poster presentations.

First Circular

Workshop "Offshore Studies of the Andaman-Sumatran Earthquakes". First Circular (PDF, 138 KB)

Second Circular

Workshop "Offshore Studies of the Andaman-Sumatran Earthquakes". Second Circular (PDF, 317 KB)

Preliminary Programme

Preliminary Workshop Programme “Offshore Studies off the Andaman-Sumatran-Earthquakes” (PDF, 69 KB)

Poster presentations

Poster presentations “Offshore Studies off the Andaman-Sumatran-Earthquakes” (PDF, 52 KB)


  • Abstract submission May 15th, 2006


We plan to print a workshop report. Please prepare abstracts of your presentations, until Monday 15th May. Please send as email as Word file or rich text format file. One page (DIN A4 with font size 12 pt) per abstract is planned.


Talks should be limited to 15 min. Discussion afterwards.

For your presentations a beamer and PC with MS Powerpoint (Office 2003) software are available. Please be prepared to transfer your presentation to the PC (USB, CD or via LAN). Connecting your own laptop to the beamer is difficult and may not work! If you absolutely need to connect your own laptop to the beamer for your presentation to run, please contact me in advance.


Standard poster format is: DINA0, portrait. Posters will be displayed in the conference room. If needed, we can arrange additional equipment on-site.

Other material

We also would again encourage you to bring further material like maps or seismic sections along.

General schedule

Monday 22nd May, 2006

7:30 Front desk open

9:00 Morning session

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Afternoon session

16:00– 18:30 Poster session

17:00 Press conference (possibly, if adequate demand)

20:00 Workshop dinner (downtown)

Tuesday 23rd May, 2006

7:30 Front desk open

8:30 Morning session

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Afternoon session

16:00 End of workshop

Workshop Language


Organizing committee and convenors

Stefan Ladage (BGR, Germany)

Sönke Neben (BGR, Germany)

Christoph Gaedicke (BGR, Germany)

Yusuf Djajadihardja (BPPT, Indonesia)

David Tappin (BGS, UK)

Wonn Soh (JAMSTEC, Japan)



see also: View Map

Stilleweg 2

30655 Hannover



Deadline for registration is over. Please contact for late registration.


Internet access

For internet connections with your laptop we provide a limited number of LAN access points. But there is no WLAN available.

Power supply

Power supply will be available in the conference room. (220 V / Europlug)


Stefan Ladage

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
(Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources)

Stilleweg 2

D-30655 Hannover


Tel: +49 511 643 3737

Fax: +49 511 643 3663

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