BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

EU-Interreg-IVb-Projekt CLIWAT (Climate & Water)

Country / Region: North Sea and Baltic Sea

Begin of project: September 1, 2008

End of project: March 1, 2012

Status of project: August 1, 2011

EU-Interreg-IVb-Projekt CLIWAT (Climate & Water): Logo

The aim of the EU Interreg IVb project CLIWAT (Climate & Water) is to investigate the effects of possible climate change on areas of the North and Baltic Seas. Currently, various climate studies predict a rise in mean sea level by about 0.5 to 1.5 m by the end of the century. At the same time, climate models predict that increased heavy rainfall can be expected in this region. North and Baltic Sea coast would be particularly affected by such scenarios, notably the regions, which are scarcely above or just below mean sea level now.

For the investigation six strategic areas were selected by the project partners ( In four areas the present status of groundwater and salinity in the soil structure by invading sea water was determined with the helicopter electromagnetic system (HEM) of BGR. The obtained 3D data sets (134: Vojens [Southern Jutland, DK], 135: Schouwen [Zeeland, NL], 136: Perkpolder [Zeeland, NL], 137: Friesland [Northern Friesland, NL]) are used for modeling the respective groundwater structures. The modeling work is carried out by groups in the Netherlands and Denmark. The BGR is responsible for ensuring that the HEM data can be optimally utilized there. The results of the performed surveys carried out in summer of 2009 conducted with the BGR helicopter are described in four technical reports. The general CLIWAT project results are published in a "Special Issue" of the journal "Hydrology and Earth System Sciences" (HESS) and are also presented on the final conference in Aarhus (DK) on January 5th, 2012 (Conference).

Technical reports CLIWATTechnical reports CLIWAT Source: BGR

Technical reports:

Siemon, B., Voß, W., Ibs-von Seht, M., Ullmann, A. & Pielawa, J., 2010. Airborne geophysical investigations of CLIWAT pilot areas – Survey area Vojens, Denmark, 2009. Technical Report, Interreg IVB Project: CLIWAT, BGR Archiv-Nr. 0129247, Hannover (PDF, 5 MB).

Siemon, B., Ullmann, A., Ibs-von Seht, M., Voß, W. & Pielawa, J., 2010. Airborne geophysical investigations of CLIWAT pilot areas – Survey area Friesland, The Netherlands, 2009. Technical Report, Interreg IVB Project: CLIWAT, BGR Archiv-Nr. 0129628, Hannover (PDF, 7 MB).

Siemon, B., Ullmann, A., Mitreiter, I., Ibs-von Seht, M., Voß, W. & Pielawa, J., 2011. Airborne geophysical investigations of CLIWAT pilot areas – Survey area Schouwen, The Netherlands, 2009. Technical Report, Interreg IVB Project: CLIWAT, BGR Archiv-Nr. 0129932, Hannover (PDF, 6 MB)

Siemon, B., Ullmann, A., Mitreiter, I., Ibs-von Seht, M., Voß, W. & Pielawa, J., 2011. Airborne geophysical investigations of CLIWAT pilot areas – Survey area Perkpolder, The Netherlands, 2009. Technical Report, Interreg IVB Project: CLIWAT, BGR Archiv-Nr. 0130011, Hannover (PDF, 5 MB)


Ullmann, A. & Siemon, B., 2010. Aerogeophysikalische Untersuchungen für klimabezogene Grundwassermodellierungen. 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 15.-18.3.2010, Bochum, UI-P02, 156.

Ullmann, A., Siemon, B. & de Louw, P., 2010. Helicopter-borne electromagnetic surveys for groundwater modelling in the North Sea Region. GeoDarmstadt 2010, 10.–13.10.2010, Darmstadt.

Siemon, B., Ullmann, A., Auken, E. & Grannink, J. L., 2011. Comparison of small-scale CPT data and large-scale AEM resistivity models in Northern Friesland, NL. 71. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 21.–24.02.2011, Köln.

de Louw, P.G.B., Eeman, S., Siemon, B., Voortman, B.R., Gunnink, J., van Baaren, E.S. & Oude Essink, G.H.P., 2011. Shallow rainwater lenses in deltaic areas with saline seepage. Hydrology Earth System Sciences, 2011, doi: 10.5194/hess-15-3659-2011 (online, in press).


Siemon, B., Ullmann, A., Auken, E. & Gunnink, J.L., 2011. Comparison of small-scale CPT data and large-scale AEM resistivity models in Northern Friesland, NL. 71. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 21.-24.2.2011, Köln (PDF, 772 KB)

Ullmann, A. & Siemon, B., 2010. Aerogeophysikalische Untersuchungen für klimabezogene Grundwassermodellierungen. 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 15.-18.3.2010, Bochum (PDF, 481 KB)

Ullmann, A., Siemon, B. & de Louw, P., 2010. Helicopter-borne electromagnetic surveys for groundwater modelling in the North Sea region. GeoDarmstadt2010, 10.-13.10.2010, Darmstadt (PDF, 767 KB)

Project website


  • Region Midtjylland (coordinator, Public regional authority - Denmark)
  • LIAG (Public cooperation -Germany)
  • Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland / GEUS (Governmental research organisation - Denmark)
  • Region Syddanmark (Public regional authority - Denmark)
  • LLUR (National authority - Germany)
  • Geological Survey of the Netherlands / Deltares (Governmental research organisation - Netherlands)
  • Environment Centre Århus (Public regional authority - Denmark)
  • Environment Centre Ribe (Public regional authority - Denmark)
  • Aarhus University (University - Denmark)
  • Ghent University (University - Belgium)
  • SEECON (SME - Germany)
  • Municipality of Horsens (Public local authority - Denmark)
  • BGR (Public national authority - Germany)
  • VITENS (SME - Netherlands)
  • Provincie Fryslan (Public regional authority - Netherlands)
  • Wetterskip Frysland (Public regional authority - Netherlands)


Dr. Bernhard Siemon
Phone: +49(0)511-643-3488
Fax: +49(0)511-643-2304

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