Technical equipment
Organic Geochemistry and Petrography
In the Organic Geochemistry and Petrography sub-division the following equipment and methods are routinely used:
Organic Geochemistry:
GC-IRMS (Thermo MAT 253) for compound specific carbon stable isotope analyses of gaseous hydrocarbons (e.g. in natural gases, etc.)
Source: BGR
- For the carbon/sulfur analysis a LECO CS 230 is used
- Pyrolysis is realised with a Rock-Eval 6, and with a CDS 2000 Pyroprobe with direct coupling to a gas chromatograph (GC).
- Solvent extraction is performed with a Dionex ASE 350.
- For the liquid chromatography a BESTA 10-time middle pressure liquid chromatography (fractioning) as well as the high pressure liquid chromatography using a HP 1100 and Agilent 1200 with a diode array detector (DAD), fluorescence detection and Agilent 6110 ESI-mass spectrometry coupling are used.
- For gas chromatography several Agilent 7890 GC with FID as well as mass spectrometry couplings are available (with split/splitless, cooled injection system and an Entech 7500A Headspace sampler).
- For GC-mass spectrometry a Waters GCT Premier Time-of-flight (TOF), an Agilent 7000 Triple-Quadroupol and an Agilent MSD 5975C are used.
- For bulk and carbon and nitrogen and compound specific stable isotope ratios a Thermo Delta V Advantage isotope ratio mass spectrometer is available (coupled either with a Thermo Trace GC Ultra or Thermo Flash Elemental analyser 1112).
Coal and Organic Petrography:
- Determination of coalification degree and thermal maturity, as well as determination of single coal components in coal blends following DIN 22020-5:2005 and ASTM D7708-11 on two Leica DMR incident light microscopes equipped with MPV-SP microphotospectrometer or with MPV-Compact 2 photometer.
- Maceral analysis, microlithotype analysis, spectral fluorescence measurements following DIN 22020-3:1998 and DIN 22020-4:1998 on two Leica DMR incident light microscopes equipped with MPV-SP microphotospectrometer or with MPV-Compact 2 photometer.
- High-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy for identification and detection of 3D lateral distribution of organic matter at Leica TCS SP5 AOBS.
- Image Access Premium digital image management system for acquisition of images in bright field and fluorescence modes as well as for image processing and reference purposes.
- Two digital fluorescence cameras LEICA DFC 310FX for high quality image capture, storage and assessment.
- Stereo microscope Olympus SZ40 for selection of sample material.
- Solid fuel chemistry assessment of hard coals and lignite with aid of Heraeus nitrogen-flushed oven T6060 EKP following DIN 51718:2002, IKA calorimeter C5000 following DIN 51900:2000, two Heraeus furnaces Thermicon P® following DIN 51720 and Prüfer furnace EK30/15 following DIN 51719:1997.
Gas Geochemistry
For the geochemical analysis of gases (concentration and stable isotope signatures) it is particularly important that the analysis of samples with low concentrations is reliable and accurate. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources meets these requirements by the high expertise of the staff and the availability of various commercially-available and self-developed instruments.
The following analytical systems are available:
- For the gas chromatography analytical and preparative systems from Varian (µ-GC CP4900) and Agilent (FAST-RGA) are used.
- For the determination of sulfur compounds in the gas phase a specific analytical system is routinely used, consisting of a GC, MSD and SCD including a headspace autosampler.
- Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (carbon, hydrogen) is carried out with a FinniganMAT 253 and a Delta Plus XL. Both systems include with a gas chromatographic Con-Flow as well as direct inlets (Dual-Inlet). For low concentrations a Purge-and-Trap is used. On site δ13C methane analyses are realized with a CRD spectroscope.
- For Radon (Rn) trace analyses in the soil gas phase an instrument using Alpha-particle detection is available.
- For the extraction of gases from seawater, groundwater, and sediments several devices are routinely operated.
- Several mobile field measuring devices with sensors or quadrupols for continuous gas analyses are available. This includes two Eddy-Covariance systems and automatic gas flux chambers (LI-COR) as well as stations for continuous analyses of soil gas.
Experimental Laboratories
High pressure pyrolysis unit with direct coupling to a GC for an assessment of hydrocarbon generation kinetics of source rocks
Source: BGR
For the investigation of gas-fluid-rock interactions several excellently equipped experimental laboratories are available. In high pressure reactors (1-750 bar) and at temperatures between 30 and 350°C geochemical reactions occurring in the geological subsurface can be studied. Currently these systems are used for projects in the research fields: energy resources and CO2 and nuclear waste disposal. Major aim of these studies is particularly a better understanding of transformations of organic geochemical compounds (e.g. during the formation of petroleum and natural gas).