BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Engineering-geological characterisation of various rock salt deposits considering their genesis and geological formation

Country / Region: Germany

Begin of project: November 1, 2014

End of project: December 31, 2024

Status of project: October 30, 2023

German Version

Locations of salt mines and brine production sites in GermanyLocations of salt mines and brine production sites in Germany Source: modified after Elsner (2016)

This work project benefits from the existing knowledge and experience of BGR in geotechnical investigations on rock salt formations and is complemented by the current state of the art in the respective science field and technology. For this purpose, BGR prepares a database on selected mechanical and hydraulic properties of flat bedded rock salt deposits. The results of technical measurements supplement the findings of the geological investigations on the distribution and properties of flat bedded evaporite sequences in Germany (BASAL/BASAL II project). The material parameters are evaluated by comparing them with the common properties of domal salt deposits, as well as by taking into consideration the petrography, geological age, geological formation, and the genesis of the deposit. .

Field experiments in underground mines, as well as laboratory experiments on representative and location-specific core samples provide the basis for determining the properties, and deriving the parameters. This work involves determining the permeability of the rock mass, as well as the strength and deformation properties of the rock material and the rock mass. Aside from the acquisition of individual parameter values, the investigations examine any indication of potential directional dependence of the properties (anisotropy). In addition, measurements of the original stress conditions of the rock mass are carried out.

The field investigations and sample exploitation for the laboratory investigations of BGR are carried out in existing underground mines and outcrops, because no deep drilling from the surface is scheduled for this project. Therefore, the BGR’s scientific work is supported by co-operations with mine operating companies. The methods and equipment of the measurements are adapted to the special conditions associated with bedded rock salt layers and developed continually.


Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Hesser
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3736
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3694

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