3D geological model of the Asse salt structure
Country / Region: Germany
Begin of project: May 1, 2014
End of project: December 31, 2025
Status of project: November 30, 2023
Project description
On behalf of the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, BGE) a 3D geological-tectonical model of the Asse salt structure is being elaborated. The model will be used as a planning tool for further mining activities as part of the planned retrieval of the radioactive waste from the Asse II mine and for underground geological exploration measures.
All of the geophysical and geological data gathered during the geoscientific work at the site, as well as their interpretation and findings gained from the work, will be merged within a 3D model covering the Zechstein/Röt evaporite body. The 3D model will therefore act as the fundamental basis for the overall geological description and evaluation of the Asse salt structure. The current state of knowledge about the internal structure of the evaporite body will be successively consolidated by the new exploration results and incorporated in the 3D model. Priority is given to the eastern part of the structure around the location of the planned retrieval mine.
Project objectives
All of the existing results derived from the latest exploration work have been incorporated in the geological 3D model. The openGEO software is being used to create the geological-tectonic 3D model for the Asse salt structure with the highest possible resolution. The level of detail of the 3D model of the salt internal structures varies spatially depending on the amount of available information, but is high resolution overall, particularly in the vicinity of the planned shaft 5 and the new underground workings which are to be excavated. In the process, all of the available geophysical and geological exploration results derived from the geoscientific activities (cf. Geophysical investigations and Geological processing work packages) and their interpretation in the geological 3D model will be depicted and subjected to interdisciplinary evaluation. The latest findings in the investigated area reveal that the salt body has a complex tectonic structure, particularly in the eastern parts, which means that the current models will have to be revised and adapted further as more information arrives.
The boundary of the Zechstein/Röt evaporite body forms an interface to the 3D model of the cover rock. The boundary will be reworked and adapted accordingly alongside the internal structure, as the exploration work proceeds (Fig. 1).